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~~~New Section!!!~~~ Weekly Updated Articles, Poems And Such By Various Authors. Check it out and be strengthened, encouraged, challenged and blessed!!!
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Praise the Lord
My Daughter Patricia's Site My Daughter Pamela's Site
My Daughter Kristie's Site My Granddaughter Bridget's site:
Articles & Poems, etc
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I dedicate this web site to
Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith!
I pray that He will use it to His glory, and the
blessing of
I am constantly updating and adding, so please
visit often. You are always welcome!
If God gives you an article, poem, testimony, etc.
for this web site, email it to me and I will give
it prayerful consideration. Also, if you have a
recipe you would like added, send that also.
Thank you!
Midi is entitled 'The Healing'