His grace is sufficient, no one can exhaust it;
Be strong in that grace abundant and true.
Draw largely, continually out of His fulness,
His grace shall be always sufficient for you!
In a world where we can buy an imitation of almost
anything, isn't it wonderful that Jesus Is Real...
and that His gift of Salvation is free?!
( Reda- Jesus Is Real Ministries )
Life us easier than you think...all you have to do is:
Accept the impossible, do with out the indispensable,
Bear the intolerable and be able to
smile at anything.
(Source Unknown)
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it
does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight
in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always
protects, always trusts, always hopes, always
perseveres. Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Tomorrow: it will never be
Though we live a thousand years!
Our time to work is all today, today,
The same, though changed;
And while it flies,
"Today, today be wise."
When one's past is covered by the blood of Jesus,
nothing can penetrate that covering.
When Satan reminds you of your past,
remind him of his future.
One way to measure the depth of your religion
is to look at the breadth of your concern for others.
Ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and
walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls.
Jeremiah 6:16
Our English word " Love " comes from the High
German word " Lubas "...which means 'triumph
over fear together." The Bible says that perfect
love casts out fear, for fear has torment. If we
have been made free in love, we can risk loving
others. God Love can only be known by the actions
it prompts. If we love, we become loving and
compassionate. If we hate, we become hateful
and bitter. May we be like Christ and love freely,
triumphing over fear together!
I am not what I ought to be; I am not what I
wish to be; but by the grace of God I am not
what I used to be!
Some people have only three occasions for attending
Church; when they are hatched, matched, and
Where Jesus Found Them
It is interesting to notice where Jesus found some
of the folks who became His friends. For instance,
He found Matthew busy collecting taxes, Nathanael
under a fig tree, Andrew at the lake, the
Samaritan woman at a well, Zacchaeus up a tree,
and the thief on the cross. Where did he find you
when He called you to follow? Where will He find
you when He comes again?
A noted doctor has listed several emotions which
produce disease in human beings. Heading the list
is fear, followed by frustration, rage, resentment,
hatred, self-centeredness, jealously, envy and
ambition. The one and only antidote that can save
us from these, he says, is Love.
Money Will Buy
A bed but not sleep.
Books but not brains.
Food but not appetite.
Finery but not beauty.
A house but not a home.
Medicine but not health.
Luxuries but not culture.
Amusements but not happiness.
Religion but not salvation.
Christian Resolutions For 2000
I will:
Like Paul, forget those things which are behind
and press forwards.
Like David, lift up my eyes to the hills from
which cometh my help.
Like Abraham, trust my God implicitly.
Like Enoch, walk in the daily fellowship with
my Heavenly Father.
Like Moses, rather than enjoy the pleasures of
sin for a season, I would suffer .
Like Job, be patient and faithful in
all circumstances.
Like Joseph, turn my back on all evil advances.
Like Gideon, advance even when my
friends are few.
Like Andrew, strive to lead my brother
to Christ.
You can't expect to sail with the Eagles during the day
If you hoot with the hoots during the night.
Be patient with the faults of others,
They have to be patient with yours.
When the day is dying in the West,
Heaven is touching earth wtih rest.
Read God's Word!
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