June 2003
When I first started this web site I had
absolutely no knowledge of the internet! I'd
had a computer for a long time but had no
desire to 'connect.'
However, times and things change and
now I am an 'internet' junkie! (grin)
One thing that has not changed is my
desire to serve the Lord through this site,
and to glorify Him.
In January of 2000 when I began this
adventure, I was married and expected to
be married forever. But, that has changed also.
My husband told me our marriage was over. I
was devastated, and still am. But, God's
grace is sufficient!
I am still praying and believing that our
marriage will be restored. At this point
we are only 'separated.'
I am no longer praying and believing
for my marriage to be restored. I know
that nothing is impossible with God,
but I also know He will not force my
husband to change his mind. At this
point I am waiting for divorce papers
to be delivered so that I may sign them
and leave this part of my life behind.
I have five children, and eight grand-children
(so far! )
All of my children are serving the
Lord, except for my oldest son Daniel,
who committed suicide in 1998.
When I first started this site, none of
my children were on the internet. Now,
my daughters are serving the Lord through
web sites!
First it was Pamela, who did not have
a computer. We requested prayer that
God would enable her to have one and
He did!!! Her site is:
Pam had been involved in a prison
ministry before the birth of her
She had prayed for a ministry in
which she could serve the Lord and
be at home with her children.
Next it was Patricia, who also did not
have a computer. Again, we requested
prayer and it was not long before she
had her new Gateway!
Her site is:
Patricia loves the Lord and is a
prayer warrior.
Then, Kristie, who had no desire
to have a web site, and did not own a
computer, wanted a site of her own.
Once again we prayed that God would
supply the need, and He did!
You guessed it! Her site is:
Kristie and her husband Rick are
Evangelists, and serve the Lord as
He opens the doors.
My son Ben is 26 and has a
calling on his life to be a youth minister.
He preached his first sermon not at the
church Kristie and Rick pastored for a season.
He also sings for the Lord.
He is still waiting for the wife that
God had for him. He is a bit
impatient at times, but all things in
God's timing! He doesn't have a
web site, but who knows???
My granddaughter Bridget now has
a site of her own.......
Last, but not least, is my buddy,
Bandit, the ferret. As you pet
lovers will agree, he is more like
my child that my pet!
Bandit crossed over 'Rainbow Bridge'
in October 2002. I miss him very much
as he was my buddy. Since then I
have had Rocker, who died the first of
this year (2003)
Now I have Flash, who is lean and
always on the go. Chubs is chubby and
has the cutest face and a sweet
temperament. They are both adorable,
and great company for me. :-)
Thank you for taking the time to read
a bit about the author
(with the help of Jesus)
of this web site!
I also have another site, and you can
get there by clicking title below.
My new site is:
I have a graphic design portion on that site.