Absence Does
"Nevertheless I have somewhat against
because thou hast left thy first love."

We have all
heard the saying
makes the heart grow fonder."
However, I
do not believe this to be entirely
true at all
Of course,
when we are first absent from a
loved one,
that might be the case.
But as time
goes on, the opposite might be
"Out of
sight out of mind."

relationship needs to be nurtured, be
it in the
spiritual or natural realm.
Communication is vital, without it,
misunderstandings and hurt feelings happen.

Love is
intense, special, and oh so fragile.
First love
especially so. The newness, the
joy, the
anticipation of hearing a loved
ones voice,
of seeing and holding them.
Pure bliss!

When I was
first born-again, I remember
that the sky
never looked so blue, the birds
never sang
such sweet melodies! I was so
in love with
my Jesus! I wanted everyone
I knew (and
didn't know) to have this
I had "zeal", but not 'according

If I am not
careful, I will find myself
taking the love of Jesus for granted.
I might not
spend as much time in the Word
as I should,
might not pray as I should,
might not
talk about Jesus as I should. I
might not
commune with Him one-on-one,
listening to
His voice, obeying His commands.

So it is
with love in the natural realm
I might
neglect to meet the needs of my
causing him to feel 'left out' and
unappreciated. I might not talk to him,
listen to
him, or admire or respect
him enough.
I might find myself taking
his love for
granted; not trying to nourish

In our
Scripture verse, Jesus had just
the Church of Ephesus. Then
came the
rebuke. Isn't that just like our
Jesus! He is
so loving and gentle, yet
strong and
just! He tells them to 'repent'
and do their
'first works.' Or He will come
and take
their candlestick out of that place.
After He
commends them, and then rebukes
them, He
commends them again!

It is a
serious thing to leave our 'first love.'
We will have
to take the consequences and
those consequences are very painful
and hard to
bear. But it is our own doing,
and what we
sow we must also reap.

Jesus will
forgive, and forget, but our
spouses/friends/children/parents may not.
The hurt may
be far too deep for it to be healed.
We need to
take the time to renew our first
loves. In
the Spiritual and the natural realms,
we need to
nourish, protect, and
So that we
will not have to hear the Lord or
our loved
ones say:
"You've left
your first love."
by :
All right

