What Does God Think About?
Have you ever wondered what God thinks
about? His word says in Jeremiah 29:11
" For I know the thoughts I think towards
you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace
and not evil, to give you an expected end."
God thinks about you and me. I marvel at
how God being in control of everything
can and will take the occasion to think
about you and me, each on an individual
basis. He not only thinks of us, but He
ponders and meditates on those thoughts;
God is intimate with His thoughts of us;
He knows them.
Then He tells us what His thoughts are.
They are thoughts of peace. His peace.
We commonly think of peace as absence
of conflict. The concept of God's peace
is far greater than this. God's peace
encompasses the best quality of life for
each individual.
Yes, even in the midst of conflict we can
have God's peace. I do not believe war
or conflict to be the opposite of peace.
I purpose to you that the opposite of
peace is worry or anxiety. Let us consider
Philippians 4:6-7 " Be careful for nothing:
but in everything by prayer and
supplication with thanksgiving let your
request be known to God. And the
peace of God, which passeth all
understanding, shall keep your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus."
Do not worry about anything, but take
each care to God in prayer, calling to
remembrance and giving thanks for
all God has already done for you.
Believe that He will also handle this
request. We have the assurance of His
peace, even when there seems to be
no possible way for things to work out,
when it is beyond our ability to
understand how things can be resolved.
His peace not only stills a troubled
mind it also brings the calm assurance
deep within our hearts that things
will be all right. God brings His peace
through the person of His Son,
Jesus Christ.
Thusly if we refuse to worry and in
prayer, remembering that which God
has done for us as we present our
concerns to Him we will have His
peace, even in the midst of conflict.
Yes, God's thoughts toward us are
of His peace. He is specific in saying
that He does not think evil towards us.
God has no plans for Satan or any
of His wicked devices to befall us.
God does not wish for bad things
to happen to us. I find tremendous
comfort in this.
God's thoughts are to give you an
expected end. After all, it's not
the beginning or the middle, but
the end of a matter that is important.
Yes, God wants us to enjoy the best
quality of life throughout but what
He really looks forward to is the
end when we are brought back into
His presence. No matter how much
we desire to be with Him in Heaven,
God's desire for us to be there
is even greater. He gave His Son,
Jesus, the Prince of peace that
we could spend eternity with Him.
This is the expected end God
thinks upon for you.
We have considered briefly what
God's peace is, and how that we
may have His peace. Now that we know
what it is and how to get it, let us
look at how we may keep God's peace.
Philippians 4:8-9 "Finally, brethren,
whatsoever things are true, whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever things
are just, whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are lovely,
whatsoever things are of good report;
if there be any virtue, and if there
be any praise, think on these things.
Those things, which we have both
learned, and received, and heard,
and seen in me, do: and the God
of peace shall be with you."
Retaining God's peace begins in the
mind. We see from the above list
that there are things which we are
to let out minds dwell upon. We
are instructed to seriously
examine this list and put into
practice thinking upon these things
and then conducting ourselves
accordingly. The God of peace shall
be with us.
As we have God dwelling within us
and are partakers of His peace, then
we must understand that our
thoughts toward others must
likewise be thoughts of peace and
not evil. Such conduct does not
make for situations of conflict or
worry. In so doing we can enjoy
God's peace.
Yes, God does think about you
and me and His Word shows
us how we may enjoy the best
possible quality of life, God's
peace. There is no real peace if
we do not have hope of eternal
life through Jesus Christ. This is
the expected end of God's
peace. God thinks about you and
Him, together, forever.
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