Jesus Is Real!
By: Reda Icenhour
Yes, Jesus is real. He is alive, and
coming back to get His children soon!
Praise the Lord! All my life I had
heard about a man called Jesus.....
they said He lived on earth about 2000
years ago, they said He was the
Son of God! He went about doing good,
He preached the Gospel, He taught
in the synagogs, He healed the sick,
and cast out devils. They told me
He raised the dead and even walked
on water! I heard about His love, and
how the little children loved Him. I
used to think, " I wish I had lived then,
I wish I could have walked with Jesus."
How I longed to have heard Him speak!
To see Him as He broke the bread,
and fed the multitudes, oh how
wonderful to have but touched the
hem of His garment. I would have
loved to have been Zacchaeus, to sit
in a tree and have Him walk by an
then stop, and look up--- at me!
To hear Him say, " Come down, I
want to come to your house tonight."
But I knew that was all long ago...
and even if I had lived then I felt
that Jesus would not have noticed
me...I was not important enough.
But over fifthteen years ago, I was
sitting in a small church on a Wednesday
night. I was sick in body, mind and
spirit...my life in a mess. As I
heard about Jesus, I had such a longing
to know Him. I felt a lump in my
throat, and tears began to flow. I
said, " Jesus, if you are real, please
help me." And, praise the Lord, He
came into my heart, I was born-again...
changed forever!! I felt my burdens
being lifted away, I felt Him put
His arms around me and say, " I want
to come to your house, I want to
sup with you, teach you, heal you, and
feed you the bread of life, fill you
with the water of life, and you'll
never thrist again!"
I had touched the hem of His garment,
He had looked at me as He had looked
at Zacchaaeus. He had come to my
house! Praise the Lord, HE IS SO REAL!!!
Jesus is real for me now! I have
come to know that He is alive now.
He still heals and works miracles, He
still raises the dead...He raised me
from the dead, He healed me and
filled me with the Holy Ghost, and
called me to preach His Word. Now
I go everywhere I can, telling people
about a man called JESUS that can
change their life...that He is alive
and loves them!
He stands at your door and knocks,
He wants to come in and sup with you
and live in your house. He will give
you peace, joy, and heal your body
and soul. Won't you open your door and
see that JESUS IS REAL?
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