Be Still
And Know
"And when He had sent the multitude away, He
went into a
mountain privately to pray and when the evening
was come,
He was there alone."

Often in a Christian's life when one is busy
'about the Father's
business', God calls us into a place of solitude
and silence
to renew and strengthen us. We may become so
busy 'doing'
that we forget momentarily to fellowship with
the One that
we are serving!

Solitude and 'being still' is a matter of the
heart; an inner
disposition that allows us to enter our prayer
closet at any
moment, ready to listen to what God is saying.
Also our
times of being alone with God will better equip
us to live
in the presence of others. Moses, in his 'tent
of meeting'
camping out on the mountain of God, herding his
and goats through the empty wades of the desert,
often alone.

It was the silence and the solitude that brought
him face to
face with God. Elijah, running from the woman,
thinking he was the only one left, was alone in
a cave when
he heard that still small voice of God.

Jacob was alone at Jabbok when he wrestled with
angel of the Lord and his name was changed. From
a deceiver, he went to a man that prevailed with
God, and
thereafter his name was Israel.

John, exiled to the Isle of Patmos, was alone
when he
received the revelation of Jesus Christ. In a
place of
solitude he received visions of what the future
would be.
God wants us at times to come into a place where
can make Himself known to His children, without
hindrances or distractions. He wants us to
come alone to
meet Him face to face, as it were, one on one.

There He can speak directly to His children, and
children can hear directly from Him. We need
this time with
Him to be strengthened and encouraged,
instructed and
guided, refreshed and renewed.

