Unfeigned Love
By: Reda Icenhour
"Jesus loves me, this I know, for the
Bible tells me so"...we all know that
Jesus loves us; He carried the
cross up Calvary's hill because of
His love for you and me. While
we were yet sinners Christ loved
us and died for us. He that knew
no sin took our sins upon Himself
and paid the price for us, so there
is no doubt that Jesus loves us, the
question is...Do we love Jesus? He
said if we love Him, we will keep
His commandments. John 14:1 )
It's not enough to say we love Him,
we have to show our love by keeping
His Word. John 15:12 says: This is
my commandment, that ye love one
another as I have loved you."
It's easy to say but a little harder
to put into practice. In other words,
to live up to the words " I love
He said whatever we have done for
the least of these we have done unto
Him. When we feed the hungry, we
feed Jesus, when we visit the sick or
go to the prisons, it is the same
as going to Jesus. If we do not go,
then we are neglecting to show the
Lord that we love Him.
Too many times people "Do unto
others" if the others can return
the favor. It seems a lot of people
are just looking for a way to further
their "own ministry." Jesus said
" looking for nothing in return."
It seems today that if you cannot
return the favor not many will give
to your needs. The Bible speaks of
"unfeigned love"...unfeigned mean
not pretend, or real.
1 Peter 1:22 says: "Seeing ye have
purified your souls in obeying the
truth through the spirit unto
unfeigned love of the Brethren,
see that ye love one another with a
pure heart fervently."
Jesus' love for us was (and is) real.
He proved His love by His actions,
but not everyone that says " I love
you," or " I love Jesus" really
means it from the heart. The Bible
says in 1 John 3:18 "My little
children, let us not love in word,
neither in tongue; but in deed and in
truth." 1 John 2:4 says: " that he
that saith I know Him and keepeth
not His commandments is a liar
and the truth is not in him."
Jesus commanded that we love
one another as He loved us...enough
to die for one another. Many will
say when they stand before God
that they have done His works,
but He will say: "Depart from me
ye that work iniquity, I never
knew you."
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