Mary's Christmas
By: Leda Winebarger
I wonder how it must have been
that day at the manger as Mary
her Son for the first time.
Surely she must have believed,
as any new mother believes, that
she would always be able to
guard Him against danger,
that she would forever keep Him
from harm. And God, knowing
a mother's heart, protected
Mary from the knowledge of
the cross. How wonderful that
first day with Jesus must
have been...
Mary cradles her newborn Son,
and rubs her cheek over the
fluffy down of His hair, not
realizing that one day a platted
crown of sharp thorns would
pierce His head there. As she
gently wraps Him in soft
swaddling clothes, she cannot
imagine that all too soon, hate-
filled soldiers would strip Him,
spit on Him, and laugh at His
shame. She rocks Him to sleep,
softly singing a lullaby into His
tiny ear, not hearing the cruel
shouts of, "crucify Him!"
Running her fingers over His
soft shin, she cannot hear the
whips crack as they fall upon
Him, nor does she see the
Blood that will flow freely from
the wounds those whips will
bring. And as she kisses His
sweet cheek, she has no way of
knowing that this same cheek
will one day be kissed by a
friend as he betrays Him.
No, this is Mary's Christmas,
and she is holding God's Gift
to the world, her newborn Son,
safely in her arms. Tenderly,
she lays Him down as he opens
His eyes.
My, I can't help but wonder
how Mary must have felt when
she looked for the first time
into the eyes of....God...
" Behold, a virgin shall be with
child, and shall bring forth a
Son, and they shall call His
name Emmanuel, which, being
interpreted is, God with us."
Matthew 1:23
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