Such Love!
Ephesians 2:4-6
"But God, who is rich in mercy, for His
great love wherewith He loved us, even
when we were dead in sins, hath
quickened us together with Christ
(by grace are ye saved)
and hath raised us up together and
made us sit together in
Heavenly places in Christ Jesus."
Oh, the depth of the love that God
has for His children! He manifested
this great love when He gave His best
for us. Jesus, His son, loved enough to
endure the agony of the cross that we
might be free from the bondage of sin.
Praise and worship floods my very being
as I think of how much my Heavenly
Father loves me! My heart overflows with
gratitude and responding love
towards Him!
I do not have to wonder if God love me or
if He will always love me. Often I am unsure
of the love others have for me. The
affection of some might come with conditions.
Praise God, HE loves me unconditionaly!
He loves me when I am good, or when
I am bad. He loves me when I succeed, or
when I fail. God's love is constant, never
I did not earn His love, so it does not
depend on my performance. I do not
deserve God's love, yet it is freely given.
He loves each of us in this way, for He
is no respector of persons.
Others may give up on me, but God does
not. He keeps me by His power, for He
who began a good work in me will perform
it until the day of Christ.
When I am weary and feel I cannot go
on, He whispers loving words of
"You can make it, child, for I am with thee."
Knowing God is for me gives me the
strength and courage to press on.
Matthew 10:29
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?
And one of them shall not fall on the ground
with out your Father."
The Greek for 'without' in this verse means:
"without your Father's knowledge and
participating presence."
God is aware when a tiny sparrow falls, and
His word tells me I am of much more
value than many sparrows!
Praise God for His great love! Love that
reaches out to enfold the sheep of His
pasture, and beyond to lost ones who do
not know Him, who hold no regard for Him.
Such Love!
Such Amazing Love!
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