"almighty God" is everything to me.
When I need a friend, He 'sticketh
closer than a brother.' When I need
a miracle in my life, He is the 'way-maker!'
God is omniscient; He knows all.
Because he is perfect in knowledge,
He knows what is best for me.
When I am unsure which way to go,
I can confidently trust him to
lead and guide me. When I yield to Him,
He is " able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all I could ask
or think!"
God is omnipotent; He
possesses all power. I can trust Him
to perform what He has promised
to do. My God can do all things,
nothing is impossible with Him!
When I am going through a
trial or a 'season' in the valley,
Jehovah-Shamma is right with
me. Often in the darkest hours of
my life, I experience the love of
God the most. When my tears overflow,
He whispers gently,
" hold on, my child, joy cometh in
the morning."
He strengthens and encourages
me in the storms of life and invites me
to 'cast all my care upon Him for He
cares for me.'
Jehovah-Jireh has promised
to "provide all my needs according to
His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."
I can trust Him to give me daily those
things I have need of.
Because God is Jehovah-Shaloam,
our peace, I can have joy and peace
even in the midst of troubles
and the storms of life. He tells
me in JOHN 14:27 that He has
given me His peace.
ISAIAH 26:3 says:
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect
peace, whose mind is stayed on
Thee, because He trusteth in
Trusting Him enables me to have
complete and total peace of mind.
DEUTERNOMY 33:27 says:
"The eternal God, ( El-olam ) is thy
refuge, and underneath are the
everlasting arms."
He is my protection, my defense. I
can run into His arms and
rest in His care. I can 'abide under
the shadow of the Almighty.'
God is Jehovah-Rapha, the God that
heals. He is the same yesterday,
today, and forever. He says in His word,
" I am the God that healeth thee."
I have experienced His His healing
power many times and I give
Him honor and praise.
God is a loving God. By His very nature,
He takes pleasure in bestowing
blessings upon His obedient children.
" Every good and perfect gift is from
the Father above, with whom is
no variableness, neither shadow of
He says if I 'delight' myself in Him,
He will even give me the desires
of my heart!" He satisfies my
thirsty soul, and fills my hungry soul
with good.
PSALMS 139:17..."how precious
are Thy thoughts unto me, o, God!
How great is the sum of them!"
How comforting to know that God
has precious ( rare and valuable )
thoughts unto me! I can trust Him
for He cares for me, and He
is totally worthy of my trust.
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