The Heart Of God
The heart of God designed
a place,
Where man could have a home.
The heart of man He fashioned,
for His fellowship alone.
In skill He honed the colors of
earth's creation art;
and wove them together,
with love's thread,
straight from His heart.
Righteousness and peace were
joined, to kiss the soul of man.
In faithfulness, when man chose
sin, God gave salvation's plan.
When man ceased to worship, and
to walk rebellion's way;
The heart of God was broken.
Man resolved to disobey.
In rags, a piece of broken heart,
in a manger lay; God as man,
had come to earth; sin's debt
He longed to pay. Fellowship
would be restored, by cruel
cross and empty grave. God's
heart would mend with Jesus'
blood, and love He freely gave.
Eternal life, adorned with love,
was wrapped and given, when
the heart of God, by sacrifice,
was joined to heart of man.
(author unknown)
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